Here are instructions for renting the Minitab software and accessing the class tutorials
If you are registered for the MFGEN 340 class you will be needing to use Minitab software and tutorials. While lesson materials will be provided, you will need to rent the software. The Minitab software is made available to students for rental at a substantial discount.
The register for the Minitab software rental please go to
About half way down the page you will see an option to rent the Minitab Statistical Software.
On the site click the "Rent Now" button to start the rental process. The picture above is just an example and is not a link.
If you would like to view a quick video walking through the rental process please click here. Remember a link to the "OnTheHub" site is shown above.
If you are in the MFGEN 340, you should have received an email (similar to the one below) concerning your access to the Minitab Education hub.
Click on the "Reset Your Password" link
In the window that opens, enter your BYU email address ( then click the send reset link button.

When asked, accept the terms and conditions.
When the "Update your Personal Info" windows appears, please make sure all the fields are filled in with the correct information.
For the Email field please enter your BYU email address (
For the Company Name field please enter "Brigham Young University"
For the Job Title field please enter "Student"
Once you have successfully updated your information, you should be able to login into the Minitab Education Hub
and upon successful login should see a page similar to the one shown below.